Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve jobs.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -Stanford commencement speech, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Do's With Me And You

"everyone wants to have these big fancy weddings. But they don't realize that you dont need the money for the wedding, but after."
Ive been planning this wedding for the end of august 2013; trying to get this show on the road in the best way possible. But it's not about the show. The flowers. The ring. But it's about the vows. The person you say i do to. The marriage. At the same time, this doesn't mean that I'm gonna have a crappy wedding, (that's just plain retarded) it means  I'm going to have a wedding that means something to Abel and I. Something that represents the way we feel about each other. And I'm so excited! Already have the basics down, and a monthly plan to make this a non stressful wedding. Since I already have my fabulous checklist separated month by month, I'll think this will to off with out a hitch! Got great bridesmaids that are gonna help me out and a fabulous man by my side! August 24, 2013!!! <3 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Late Night Funnies.

Kimmel. Kimmel. Kimmel. I just got tickets to the late night show with Jimmy kimmel for me and my boo :) hopefully we get those George Lopez, coldplay, and MTV ones too!! That would be the ish!!!! Imagine, we are finna be audience super stars. But yes, can't wait for Kimmel August 4th. Never been an audience member before and neither has Abel! We are def gonna take pictures to show off. Ahaaa. Oh and I requested 4 tickets so two of my friends are gonna bounce too. Maybe Harrie and Guia. Mos def Har tho, he already said yeah! It should be a delight. I'lllet y'all folks know.Things are looking up and our adventure has taken off. Time to take the world by storm.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cold Ham Pasta

Ever since I fell in love with my Abel, I've grown into the "girlfriend" role. You know, the role I said would never be mine, the role of getting a plate for him at church or feeding him when his hands are busy. For a good amount of time, I tried my hardest to avoid this role simply because I didn't want to be that typical girl who conforms to the traditional house cleaning, errand running, dinner making mother. But, ever since my heart began to skip a beat, I could care less about that role because the truth is, you do what makes the one you love happy. You help them as much as you can to make things a bit less stessful because you love them and don't want to see them in pain. Anyway, getting to my point, I began cooking! After 19 years of putting it off, I literally threw in the towel and spent my time in the kitchen all beacuse my love has a big tummy that craves food. I always pushed off cooking because I thought that quote "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" was dumb. BUTTTT since I have my man's heart, and I've learned the true meaning of love, I thought it was time. So yesterday, the 20th, we [Abel and I] spent the whole afternoon cooking AND IT WAS WONDERFUL. Despite being tired from school and work, we cooked an entire meal together and even made some punch. Because love means doing everything to make the other person happy. I love you baby.